Fighting Back Against PFAS Pollution

PFAS, commonly known as per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, have emerged as major environmental threats in the past few years. Dubbed "forever chemicals" due to their long-lasting nature in the environment, they're associated with a range of health problems, including cancer, thyroid issues, and immune system disruptions. As the risks associated with PFAS become clearer, grassroots movements against PFAS are gaining traction. These movements, initiated by vigilant citizens, aim to spread PFAS pollution awareness, advocate for stricter regulations, and ensure polluters are held responsible.

Asbestos in Homes: A Comprehensive Guide to Identification and Safe Handling

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber often used in construction, engineering, and automotive industries for its heat and fire-resistant properties and insulating capabilities. But contrary to its superior building advantages, asbestos can be dangerous to work with. Asbestos exposure presents many health hazards, as the fibers can become embedded in the body's tissues when inhaled or ingested, causing Asbestosis and other life-threatening illnesses.

Mesothelioma Lawsuits After Death

Mesothelioma is a vicious disease caused by asbestos exposure. Unfortunately, during the 1940s-1970s, many companies and manufacturers knowingly used asbestos. Why would they do this? Well, as far as construction materials go, asbestos was brilliant. It was strong, fire-resistant, water-resistant, and affordable. For these reasons, many buildings were built with asbestos as insulation. The major problem, though, is that asbestos is highly toxic. Even though companies knew this, they used it anyway.

Mesothelioma Settlements: What to Know

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was widely used until the late 20th century due to its heat-resistant and insulating properties. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to asbestos can lead to serious health problems, including mesothelioma. Because manufacturers who used asbestos knew about its toxicity, they can be held liable for the health consequences to employees.

In Memory of John Devitt Cooney

John Devitt Cooney John Devitt Cooney: August 1954 - February 2023

John D. Cooney, Sr., 68, passed away on February 23, 2023, at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, surrounded by his loving family. John was larger than life, an inimitable force that lit up every room he entered. Beyond his powerful intellect, John possessed a unique combination of wit, humor, and love of life.

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