If you or a family member recently received an asbestos-related disease diagnosis such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestosis, you have an unenviable road ahead of you. You deserve all of the support you can get from family, friends and a law firm that has your best interests in mind and will fight for you on the legal side of things.
Asbestos cases are never as simple as filing a claim and receiving compensation. They are complex cases that require the extensive legal knowledge of an asbestos lawyer or law firm to ensure you get the justice and compensation you deserve. If you are hoping to file a claim for wrongful asbestos exposure, there are some things you should know about the process and why it's better to have a law firm in your corner to handle it.
The Expertise of Asbestos Lawyers Compared to Other Lawyers
As we said before, asbestos cases are very complex. Asbestos litigation is unlike other cases and requires extensive knowledge of asbestos laws and the victims thereof in order to file a successful claim with a maximum payout for plaintiffs.
There is specific evidence that must be compiled to build these strong cases and it requires a team of asbestos lawyers and investigators to collect it. The kind of information needed to build a strong case is not typically available or easily found by just anyone. A knowledgeable asbestos law firm knows exactly what to look for and where to look to build a strong case.
Regular lawyers that don't specialize in asbestos litigation typically don't understand the scope of it and aren't able to provide proper legal advice or strong evidence on behalf of asbestos exposure victims.
Asbestos Law Changes Constantly
Asbestos law is constantly changing, both federally and locally. If a lawyer doesn't specialize in asbestos litigation and constantly has their eyes and ears open to the changes, then they could act on outdated information and provide inadequate representation to an asbestos exposure victim. The best asbestos law firms are always updated on the new laws and procedures relating to asbestos cases. Because of this, asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers are a victim's best chance for justice and greater compensation.
Why Choose an Asbestos Law Firm
A knowledgeable and effective asbestos or mesothelioma law firm will be able to:
- Build strong claims that identify how you were exposed to asbestos and by whom, and how this connects to your diagnosis.
- Prove their track record of past successes where they helped clients in similar situations as yours.
- Will have access to key information and databases (more than likely that were compiled by their team) that can be used to build your case, including information on products, manufacturers, local asbestos sites, testimonies from other victims, and more.
- Will have extensive knowledge relating to asbestos trust funds that have been set up that you could possibly receive financial compensation through.
- Explore all of your legal options, including which and how many manufacturers and companies can be sued, which have been shut down but have trust funds, and other routes to take to ensure you receive compensation.
- Handle cases that require national and state asbestos legal knowledge.
- Provide legal services on a contingency basis, meaning that they won't get paid unless they secure financial compensation for your case.
Understanding Specializations Among Asbestos Lawyers
There are some important differences among asbestos lawyers that are important to note. Asbestos exposure lawyers can file claims of any nature relating to asbestos, but you could be looking at a better case being built by an asbestos lawyer that has specific specializations. These specializations can include:
- Occupational Exposure: Asbestos exposure that happens in the workplace, typically in industrial settings, shipyards, steel mills, and construction sites. Asbestos lawyers with this specialization typically have a strong interest in bringing industrial and commercial violators to justice.
- Medical Discovery: Asbestos lawyers with this specialization have a special interest in identifying where the asbestos victim was exposed and enjoy collecting evidence to support a claim.
- Mesothelioma: Asbestos lawyers with this specialization have a special place in their hearts for mesothelioma victims and are experts in this area.
- Military Asbestos Exposure: Millions of veterans and military members have been exposed to asbestos over the last century, and an asbestos lawyer with this specialization will know exactly how to handle these cases and how to work with Veterans Affairs to get compensation and benefits for victims.
Asbestos lawyers receive some of the highest financial awards on behalf of their clients, with many verdicts awarding multimillion-dollar sums. Without a knowledgeable asbestos lawyer, victims could be looking at receiving much much less than they deserve or could even risk having their case thrown out if there isn't substantial evidence to back it up. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease and you are in need of the services of a knowledgeable asbestos law firm, fill out our free case evaluation and our team will contact you with the next steps.